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New posts in avalondock

How to create a bottom panel without auto-hide using AvalonDock 2.0?

c# wpf avalondock

How to apply custom style to AvalonDock

wpf avalondock

active content property on tab change


Binding the title of a LayoutDocument from a collection in AvalonDock 2.0

c# wpf mvvm avalondock

Disable drop targets (layouts) in Avalondock

c# wpf avalondock

Avalon Dock and Caliburn Micro - no title on document pane (tab header)

How can you enhance a TabControl to dock and float TabItems or documents?

MVVM way to close document with possibility to cancel out

How do I bind an ObservableCollection to an AvalonDock DocumentPaneGroup?

c# wpf mvvm binding avalondock

Change style of existing theme (AvalonDock)

c# wpf xaml avalondock

How do I move the AvalonDock Anchorable Pane tab to the top instead of the bottom?

AvalonDock with Prism Region Adapter

c# wpf prism avalondock

AvalonDock DockingManager does not load layout

Can I customize AvalonDock context menu?

Unhandled 'System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception' when using AvalonDock 2.0

AvalonDock 2 with Caliburn Micro

In Avalondock, how I find a LayoutContent by ConentId

c# avalondock

AvalonDock - prevent anchorable pane docking in document pane

c# .net wpf xaml avalondock