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New posts in autoload

Best solution for __autoload

php oop autoload

Intermittent "Circular dependency detected while autoloading constant" errors in production

PHP5 Frameworks: Autoloading and Opcode Caching

How to load traits via composer autoload

PHP autoloading: Preventing 'cannot redeclare <class>' in all constellations?

Yii import or include

include yii autoload

Why are autoload, load_all! and require all used in active_support.rb?

PHP namespacing and spl_autoload_register

Are there performance downsides while using autoloading classes in PHP?

php class autoload

CodeIgniter - unable to load requested class

php codeigniter autoload

Check whether instance of a class exists, if not create an instance

php class autoload

Namespace Autoload works under windows, but not on Linux

php namespaces autoload

Why doesn't PHP's Autoload feature work in CLI mode?

php autoload internals

Autoloading Traits in PHP

php autoload traits

Composer vs Symfony 2 autoloader

PHP Autoloading in Namespaces

Rails 3: how to load files in /lib?

PHP class not found when using namespace

__autoload not respected when testing with PHPUnit

php phpunit autoload

Access to composer autoloaded files in laravel 5

laravel instance bind autoload