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New posts in autoload

ZF2 module loading performance

Call to undefined method Composer\\Autoload\\ClassLoader::setPsr4()

Why specify the namespace when using psr-4 autoloading with Composer?

sqlalchemy autoloaded orm persistence

Composer : how to add a dependency without network connection?

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Netbeans 8.0.2 `scan for external changes` suspended, and no auto popup

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Laravel 5 - Moved User model to App/Models causing autoload issues

Getting APC to play nice with spl_autoload_register

php apc autoload

Behat 3 - `FeatureContext` context class not found and can not be used

autoload with namespaces/submodules

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How to add case insensitive autoloading using composer generated classmap?

php composer-php autoload

Rails: uninitialized constant just happen on production server

ruby-on-rails ruby autoload

Loading view outside view folder with CodeIgniter

php codeigniter autoload

autloading not working correct using autoloader.php in vendor directory

PHP trying to use autoload function to find PDO class

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Replacement for PHP's __autoload function?

php class libraries autoload

PSR4 auto load without composer

php composer-php autoload

Autoloading constants in PHP?

php constants autoload

If PHP libraries can register their own autoloaders, then why does PSR-0 require they be in uniform directories? [closed]

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Symfony 4 - The autoloader expected class […] to be defined in file

php autoload symfony4