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sqlalchemy autoloaded orm persistence

We are using sqlalchemy's autoload feature to do column mapping to prevent hardcoding in our code.

class users(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'users'
    __table_args__ = {
        'autoload': True,
        'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB',
        'mysql_charset': 'utf8'

Is there a way to serialize or cache autoloaded metadata/orms so we don't have to go through the autoload process every time we need to reference our orm classes from other scripts/functions?

I have looked at beaker caching and pickle but haven't found a clear answer if it is possible or how to do it.

Ideally we run the autload mapping script only when we have committed changes to our database structure but reference a non-autoload/persistent/cached version of our database mapping from all other scripts/functions,

Any ideas?

like image 369
user1572502 Avatar asked Aug 02 '12 20:08


1 Answers

What I am doing now is to pickle the metadata after running the reflection through a database connection (MySQL) and once a pickle is available use that pickled metadata to reflect on the schema with the metadata bound to an SQLite engine.

engine_dev = create_engine(#db connect, echo=True)
engine_meta = create_engine('sqlite:///%s' % dbfile,echo=True)
Base = declarative_base()
Base.metadata.bind = engine_dev
metadata = MetaData(bind=engine_dev)

# load from pickle 
    with open(cachefile, 'r') as cache:
        metadata2 = pickle.load(cache)
        metadata2.bind = engine_meta
    class Users(Base):
        __table__ = Table('users', metadata2, autoload=True)

    print "ORM loaded from pickle"

# if no pickle, use reflect through database connection    
    class Users(Base):
        __table__ = Table('users', metadata, autoload=True)

print "ORM through database autoload"

# create metapickle
with open(cachefile, 'w') as cache:
    pickle.dump(metadata, cache)

Any comments if this is alright (it works) or there is something I can improve?

like image 124
user1572502 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09
