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New posts in autofac

autofac - correct use in multi module application

c# architecture autofac

Autofac passing parameter to nested types

c# ioc-container autofac

Using log4net with WebApi - Keeping same correlation id throughout instance

Getting autofac to work with mvc6 beta5

How to inject IHttpContextAccessor into Autofac TenantIdentificationStrategy

IHttpClientFactory DI registration in .NET Framework with Autofac

Autofac: register generic type with nongeneric interface

c# generics interface autofac

How to use Autofac to inject specific implementation in constructor

How do I use custom model binder that supports dependency injection in ASP.NET Core?

Autofac register dll using Assembly.Load

Autofac modules with their own dependencies

c# autofac

Returning different components in different scopes with Autofac

c# autofac

EF, ASP MVC + dependency injection. Issues with multiple concurrent requests and DB connectivity

Handling errors/exceptions in a mediator pipeline using CQRS?

AOP vs MVC FilterAttributes vs Interceptors [closed]

WebApi, Autofac, System.Web.Http.Filters.ActionFilterAttribute Instance Per Request

How to ensure that Autofac is calling Dispose() on EF6 DbContext

Castle Windsor Typed Factory Facility equivalents

Managing multiple databases with NHibernate and Autofac

Stop Autofac module registering already-registered components

c# autofac