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New posts in autoconf

Check framework example giving me error when running './configure'

autoconf: Set AC_CHECK_LIB compiler flags

Where is aclocal's search path

c autotools autoconf automake

Using ccache when cross-compiling with autotools

Have Autoconf manually check for library when there is no .pc file

how do you make a .so library with autoconf, rather that a .la library?

shared autoconf

pkg-config: PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG: command not found

Detect preprocessor macro in another library with Autoconf

How configure script decides to regenerate itself

autoconf configure

automake: automatically run unit tests

How to reconfigure a large program for GNU Autotools

autotools autoconf automake

How to use autotools to build Python interface at same time as library

Simple "hello world" configure.ac fails to run

c autoconf automake

Autoconf test for JNI include dir

'configure' failing with Android NDK standalone toolchain

How to insert Git-based version in autoconf-managed project?

Make autoconf "check" target without running it

Automake and files with the same name

autoconf automake libtool

Library resolution with autoconf?


How to include .m4 files in Autoconf?
