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auto in function parameter list implying template argument

c++ templates auto c++14

What is the easiest way to create a local variable with the same type as a deduced argument?

Eigen and C++11 type inference fails for Cholesky of matrix product

c++ c++11 auto eigen eigen3

Unevaluated operands and auto return type

c++ c++14 auto decltype

What is the type of "auto var = {condition} ? 1 : 1.0" in C++11? Is it double or int?

Difference between const auto * and const auto?

Erasing item in a for(-each) auto loop

c++ iterator std auto

`auto` return type in context of class members

c++ class c++14 auto

Using auto and decltype in C++11

Multiple conversion functions as "operator auto" in class

Why does only one of these CRTP patterns compile?

c++ auto crtp

Will C++17 template arguments with auto feature allow constrained std::function objects?

Conversion Function with decltype(auto) in C++14

Why does C++17 if statement with initializer not work as expected?

Type of variables in structured binding

auto return type not deducing reference

Why is direct-list-initialization with auto considered bad or not preferred?

Is auto an optional keyword in ranged based for loops?

c++ for-loop auto c++17

C++11 range based auto for loop by value, reference, and pointer

c++ c++11 for-loop auto

auto variable and its type

c++ c++11 auto