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New posts in auto-ptr

Is get() reliable when an auto_ptr is uninitialized?

c++ c++03 auto-ptr

Passing an auto_ptr to a function effectively makes it a sink. Why?

c++ auto-ptr

How could one implement std::auto_ptr's copy constructor?

Why vector.push_back(auto_ptr) wouldn't compile?

c++ stl auto-ptr

convert shared_ptr to auto_ptr?

c++ shared-ptr auto-ptr

What's the best way to return something like a collection of `std::auto_ptr`s in C++03?

Why can't I have an auto_ptr in an Exception class

c++ exception auto-ptr

std::auto_ptr, delete[] and leaks

c++ memory-leaks auto-ptr

Can i pass auto_ptr by reference to functions?

c++ smart-pointers auto-ptr

Compilation problems with vector<auto_ptr<> >

c++ stl vector g++ auto-ptr

Is there a contradiction between these two sources about the `auto_ptr` template class?

c++ auto-ptr

What is the difference between auto pointers and shared pointers in C++

How do use a std::auto_ptr in a class you have to copy construct?

c++ smart-pointers auto-ptr

auto_ptr or shared_ptr equivalent in managed C++/CLI classes

what is auto_ptr_ref, what it achieves and how it achieves it

c++ stl auto-ptr

how to test whether auto pointer is null?

c++ auto-ptr

Is it true that a unique_ptr declaration, unlike a auto_ptr declaration, is well-defined when its template type is of an incomplete type?

C++: auto_ptr + forward declaration?

Is it wrong to use auto_ptr with new char[n]

c++ stl memory-leaks auto-ptr

Is there any reason to use auto_ptr?