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How do use a std::auto_ptr in a class you have to copy construct?

I have class foo that contains a std::auto_ptr member that I would like to copy construct but this does not appear to be allowed. There's a similar thing for the assignment. See the following example:

struct foo
    int _a;
    std::string _b;
    std::auto_ptr< bar > _c;

    foo(const foo& rhs)
        :   _a(rhs._a)
        ,   _b(rhs._b)

        ,   _c(rhs._c)
                // error: Cannot mutate rhs._c to give up ownership - D'Oh!

    foo& operator=(const foo& rhs)
         _a = rhs._a;
         _b = rhs._b;

         _c = rhs._c;
             // error: Same problem again.

I could just declare _c as mutable but I'm not sure this is correct. Does anyone have a better solution?


OK, I'm not getting the kind of answer that I was expecting so I'll be a little more specific about the problem.

  • An object of type foo is created on the stack and passed by value into a container class (not stl) and then goes out of scope. I don't have any control over the container code. (It's actually an active queue implementation, with bugs.)
  • The bar class is a fairly heavyweight parser. It has very poor performance on new and delete so even if it was copy constructable, it would be way too expensive.
  • We can guarantee that when a bar object is created, it will only ever need to be owned in 1 place at a time. In this case it is being passed between threads and deleted when the transaction is completed. This is why I was hoping to use a std::autp_ptr.
  • I am very willing to consider boost smart pointers but I was hoping to guarantee this uniqueness if there is an alternative.
like image 630
Pascal Dennerly Avatar asked Jul 17 '09 11:07

Pascal Dennerly

2 Answers

You might want to try following code:

    foo(const foo& rhs)
        :   _a(rhs._a)
        ,   _b(rhs._b)
        ,   _c(_rhs._c.get() ? new bar(*_rhs._c.get()) : 0)

(Assignment operator is similar.)

However this will only work if bar is CopyConstructible and if this indeed does what you want. The thing is that both foo objects (_rhs and constructed one) will have different pointers in _c.

If you want them to share the pointer then you must not use auto_ptr as it does not support shared ownership. Consider in such case use of shared_ptr from Boost.SmartPtr for example (which will be included in new C++ standard). Or any other shared pointer implementation as this is such a common concept that lots of implementations are available.

like image 60
Adam Badura Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 13:11

Adam Badura

As you have discovered you can't copy a std::auto_ptr like that. After the copy who owns the object pointed to? Instead you should use a reference counted smart pointer. The Boost library has a shared_ptr you could use.

like image 8
Martin Liversage Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 14:11

Martin Liversage