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New posts in author

NuGet Pack .nuspec file returns "The replacement token 'version' has no value."

Check if current page is author page in WordPress

php wordpress author

How is "author" determined for a git commit when rebasing and squashing?

git rebase author squash

help() with unicode __author__ string

How to Write Multiple Authors in Markdown (Pandoc)

latex pandoc author

Can gitk show all commits EXCEPT those by a given author?

GIT: filter log by group of authors

git filter commit author

Reading Windows file summary properties (title, subject, author) in Java

java windows file summary author

Filter git log by author or branch

Puppeteer PDF Title and Author (metadata)

Facebook sharer showing (almost) always the wrong author

GIT and GitHub - How can I tell who landed a commit into a repository?

git github commit author

How to get authors of changes between 2 commits?

git author

How can I center align only one author amongst three other authors in Latex

How to set git commit --author properly from rake running under LocalSystem account?

git rake commit author

Way to check is an user a document author?

tortoise svn shows useid, how can I change displayed name for author [closed]

svn userid author

PyCharm - Have author appear before imports?

How do I change the default author for accessing a local SVN repository?

svn tortoisesvn default author