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JGit: How to squash commits

java git jgit squash

Git rebase squash commits by hash

git rebase squash

Git rebase -i does nothing

git rebase squash

How is "author" determined for a git commit when rebasing and squashing?

git rebase author squash

github commits pile up after squash merge of pull request

github squash git-squash

How to squash commits using eclipse?

eclipse git squash

How can I squash commits between A and K into one commit Z

git squash

How to git merge squash in Eclipse

eclipse git merge egit squash

Git: Squashing consecutive commits that are not the most recent commits, and do not start at the root

What happens to git history if multiple people work on a feature branch but it is squash and merged into master?

git github merge squash

git, squashing commits on the fly

git rebase squash

Git squash and merge

git merge squash

How to delete django migrations after squashing them?

Should I squash small, development commits into bigger ones?

commit dvcs squash

Branches out of sync after squash merge

git merge squash

Can I squash _other peoples_ git commits in a submitted PR?

git github rebase squash

What are the proper use cases of "git merge --squash"?

How can I squash a range of git commits together given starting and ending SHA's

git squash

Git branch --merged / --no-merged and --squash option

git merge squash