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New posts in atomic

how to implement a seqlock lock using c++11 atomic library

multiple fields: volatile or AtomicReference?

ARM atomics performance

C++ std::atomic union

c++ atomic stdatomic

Nonlocking Way to Copy Atomics in Copy Constructor

Atomic Compare Operator (No swap)

Copy constructor for classes with atomic member

c++ multithreading atomic

C++11 lockless queue using std::atomic (multi writer, single consumer)

OpenMP atomic on a reference type?

Get value of atomic counter (increment) with Rails and Postgres

Why does the next method in Random use a compareAndSet?

java random atomic

std::atomic as a value of std::map

Rationale for the C11 _Atomic specifier-vs-qualifier syntax irregularity?

Why does std::atomic_thread_fence have "C" linkage?

c++ c++11 atomic

C++: Is the assignment of a value to a primitive data type (e.g. bool) an atomic operation? [duplicate]

c++ concurrency atomic

Initializing an atomic_flag

relaxed ordering as a signal

Is this atomic implementation of fetch_mult correct?

C++ std::memory_order_relaxed confusion

How come INC instruction of x86 is not atomic? [duplicate]

intel c assembly x86-64 atomic