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Use casts to access a byte-array like a structure?

ATMEGA168A - F_CPU warning

c avr atmega

Why a*b/c instead of a*(b/c) gives 3x bigger program size on AVR?

c assembly gcc avr atmega

How to detect how long a button was pressed in Arduino?

c arduino atmega

AVR programming, interrupt handling

c interrupt avr atmega

ADC only working once on ATMEGA324PA

c avr atmega adc

Arduino as slave with multiple i2c addresses

arduino i2c atmega

Using a rotary encoder with AVR Micro controller

Cannot compile and link AVR program in OS X

arduino avr libc atmega avr-gcc

ATmega328 + SPI Flash Memory

arduino atmega flash-memory

How to reverse a byte

assembly byte reverse avr atmega

ATMEGA328p convert analog value to voltage

c embedded atmega

Is a logical right shift by a power of 2 faster in AVR?

Is it bad if all variables are defined as volatile on AVR programming?

c volatile avr atmega

what is the fastest algorithm for permutations of three condition?

c optimization boolean atmega

Arduino/AVR ATmega microcontroller, random resets, jumps or variable/data corruption

Schrödinger bug disappearing when breakpoint is set

c embedded atmega jtag

Arduino Nano Timers

timer arduino avr atmel atmega

Pulse width modulation (PWM) on AVR Studio

width avr pulse atmega