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New posts in async-await

Can I not await for async Task without making it async void?

Async/Await: Unexpected behaviour of ConfigureAwait

How to make this asynchronous? (async, await - C#, MVC)

Paralell.ForEach with HttpClient and ContinueWith

AsyncLock for multiple methods configuration

c# locking async-await

Async / await, TAP and EAP

c# async-await tcpclient

Async, Task.Delay and HtmlHelper MVC 4

Confused about dispatcher and async

Android, Xamarin Forms PCL, PortableRest PCL and Async Web Api Call

Why does an async method not return the awaitable immediately?

c# async-await

Is this the correct way to write asynchronous methods?

Web API request content empty

Async/await simple example

c# asynchronous async-await

C# Mongo FirstOrDefaultAsync hangs

How to run 2 async functions simultaneously

Why is my async function hanging when calling task.run function

ConfigureAwait and mixing asynchronous with synchronous calls

How to await for override async function?

How would you correctly return a collection of objects asynchronously? [closed]

HttpClient GetAsync ThreadPool Starvation