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New posts in associations

Access grandparent of unsaved parent and child in Rails

Association Class Uniqueness

In Rails, how can I retrieve the object on a belongs_to association, without going through the database?

Rails - how to store "has_many" checkboxes association in database?

Creating multiple has_many through associations from an array of IDs

Rails3 - How do I get all attributes and associations of an ActiveRecord Model?

association owned by classifier and association owned by relationship in UML

on a has_many :through association, replacing conditions with lambda

UML - association or aggregation (simple code snippets)

is belongsToMany on sequelize automatically create new join table?

Triple join in Ruby on Rails

Rails Associations Through Multiple Levels

Optional or Conditional model associations in Rails

How can I get the frequencies of common itemsets from the apriori call in R?

r associations apriori

Confused about nested resources and authentication in Rails

ruby on rails - how to make relationship works in route, controller, view ? has_many, belongs_to

Using factory girl to create a trait of has_many relationship

Remove the reference id from the record when the owner is deleted

Accessing associations in Rails

remove_column not removing column or giving any errors in rails