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New posts in associations

Does Rails 3 have find_by association magic?

Ruby on Rails counter cache error

Open file with association

Extjs 5 hasMany vs field.reference

Regarding 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 associations in UML

Please explain the has_many, through: source: Rails Association

How to achieve versioned ActiveRecord associations?

What is update method for Rails Associations?

What's the difference between using nested routes vs. accepts_nested_attributes_for?

Order Players on the SUM of their association model

multicolumn primary keys in rails

Rails: One-to-many association fails due to foreign key validation

Simple_form has_and_belongs_to_many association is not updating

Rails: How do I define an association extension in a module that gets included in my AR model?

Doctrine2 QueryBuilder: How to filter out entities having zero count for a OneToMany

Foreign Key Dropdown in Scaffold Rails 3 Views

Custom Active Admin form inputs for has_and_belongs_to_many relationship

Find all objects with no associated has_many objects

Cakephp, ordering associated tables

php cakephp model associations