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New posts in associations

Filtering deep associations in Rails' to_xml

Matching nested model association attribute with includes

symfony2 JMSSerializerBundle deserialize entity with OneToMany association

How best to "merge" two objects and their associations in rails?

Why am I getting this "undefined method `#<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy::ActiveRecord_Associations_CollectionProxy_Survey" error?

How to associate a new model with existing models using has_and_belongs_to_many

rails build or update method?

Rails 3 ActiveRecord: Find model by finding it's association

Sort a query based on an association 2 or more levels deep

Specifying the foreign key in a has_many :through relationship

What is an operating system independent way to open file with associated program from C++?

Using rails_admin to display dropdown list on belongs_to association

Is it possible to ask for only certain columns from an ActiveRecord association?

Handling an association with an interface using ORM in Java

java orm associations

Rails: How can I access the parent model of a new record's nested associations?

has_many with multi-level hierarchy and single table inheritance

Doctrine 2.0 / One-To-Many : Many-To-One

Reverse has_many with polymorphism

Understanding Associations in Sequelize

UML Notation - Aggregations/Compositions vs "Vanilla" Associations