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New posts in associations

How do I remove a single HABTM associated item without deleting the item itself?

Rails association - how to add the 'has_many' object to the 'owner'

Same Model for Two belongs_to Associations

Rails Associations - has_many => :through - but same model

When will ActiveRecord save associations?

Correct way of testing "associations" with Rspec?

How do I prevent deletion of parent if it has child records?

UML aggregation vs association

Sails.js populate nested associations

Validation failed Class must exist

Rails 4 find or create by method doesn't work

rails override default getter for a relationship (belongs_to)

How to use ActiveAdmin on models using has_many through association?

Ruby-on-Rails: Multiple has_many :through possible?

add associations to exisiting models

Rails: ActiveRecord query based on association value

What is the best way to implement Polymorphic Association in SQL Server?

Rails has_one :through association

Rails - Best-Practice: How to create dependent has_one relations

Rails association with multiple foreign keys