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New posts in associations

Overriding default identifier generation strategy has no effect on associations

How can I create new records with has_many :through and honor :conditions?

counter_cache in Rails on a scoped association

Delegating method to has_many association ignores preloading

Problem with self-referential has_many :through associations in Rails

Rails: has_one and belongs_to with presence validation on both foreign keys

FactoryGirl association with reference

How to have many-to-many relationship in rails

ActiveRecord: Pass class instead of string to class_name when defining associations

ActiveRecord find all parents that have associated children

Rails Error: Can't mass-assign protected attributes: interest_ids?

How to limit contained associations per record/group?

bi-directional and uni-directional associations UML

uml associations

Why isn't my ExtJS Store Association Working

extjs associations

Implementing ActiveRecord-like associations for an API wrapper

What is the easiest way to implement terms association mining in Solr?

lucene solr associations

How to use the Devise gem in a Rails app where the "User" is split up between three models?

Can a model "belongs_to" either/or more than one model?

Get first association from a has many through association

Rails has_many through aliasing with source and source_type for multiple types