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New posts in associations

Rails 4 Migration | Add Table with Reference

Factory Girl create association with existing object

Does ActiveRecord save a belongs_to association when saving main object?

Rails 3 build a select tag with has_many belongs_to association

Rails nested attributes: require at least two records

Java many to many association map

Rails how to touch Active Record Object without locking?

rails has_many :through has_many :through

ExtJS 4.1 - Returning Associated Data in Model.Save() Response

Custom scope on has_many, :through association (Rails 4)

UML ternary association

associations uml ternary

Rails has many and belongs to one

Rails habtm and finding record with no association

Can has_one association be used when the model has one or zero instances of another model?

First_or_create with update on match?

What methods/mixins sequelize adds to the models when an association is made?

writing associations for a recursive relationship

Entity Framework, Code First, Update "one to many" relationship with independent associations

How can I associate a certain file type again with "View file"

associations nautilus

belongs_to and has_many to the same model