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New posts in asp.net-web-api

Dependency injection in ASP.NET WebAPI: IHttpControllerActivator vs. IDependencyResolver

StringContent is empty on Xamarin.Android

Convert JObject to anonymous object

Web API Validation not trigger with custom model binder

AJAX POST to Web API Controller and CSRF

Multiple optional parameters web api attribute routing

checking if API is alive, should it be Get or Post method? [closed]

Using Msbuild variables in Project Extensions

Unpredictable API requests latency spikes in my ASP.NET Web API published to Azure Web App

Returning IQueryable but need Raven stats to insert TotalResults header

Using Forms authentication cross domain

Asp.net WebApi HttpClient Strongly Typed PostAync

How to expire/update ClaimsIdentity Claims stored in a Web API SessionToken

Passing an object as parameter to Breeze controller action

asp.net-web-api breeze

ASP.NET Web API GET Method: Passing multiple values for single parameter

Services extremely slow when deployed on Azure

ASP.NET OData - Implementing PATCH with Delta<T> with Data Transfer Objects

Is GlobalConfiguration in System.Web.Http.WebHost compatible with Owin?

asp.net-web-api owin katana

How to pass DateTime parameter using Web API attribute routing?

WebAPI OData $format to xml