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New posts in asp.net-web-api

Web API OData: How do you $expand on a single entity?

c# asp.net-web-api odata

Debugging Exceptions in Async Code

Validation does not work if nothing is sent?

c# asp.net-web-api

QueryString with MVC 5 AttributeRouting in Web API 2

Strongly typed AND arbitrary properties in Web API request object

c# asp.net-web-api

Strict enum query string parsing in WebApi

c# asp.net-web-api

WebAPI 2 OData - No routing convention for '~/entityset/key/$links/navigation'

How do I get hold of the current HttpContextBase in an AuthorizeAttribute?


Build webapi odata model dynamically

c# .net asp.net-web-api odata

Posting json data to WebAPI method in angularjs

Proper serialization of LocalTime through WebAPI

Best Practices for multiple POST calls in Web Api on the same controller

Autofac injection to custom Web-Api FilterAttribute

AutoFac Controller does not have a default constructor [duplicate]

c# asp.net-web-api autofac

Serialize alternate property names from form in POST

c# asp.net asp.net-web-api

Asp.NET MVC REST API: How to get Client Host Name

Using a sub-resource or not?

Should there be one controller per view in Angularjs?

Google N-Gram Web API [closed]


How to get JSON.NET to serialize date/time to ISO 8601?