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New posts in asp.net-core-identity

Get User Info From Access Token WebApi Asp.net Core

.NET Core 3.1 role based authorization fails, getting 403 exception

Authorization Role/Policy Attributes Not Working In .Net Core 3

Implement the SendEmailAsync interface and send Email

Inject ApplicationUser in ASP.NET Core MVC

How do I set password options in Aspnet Core 2.1

What is the replacement for Cookies.ApplicationCookie.AutomaticChallenge = false in ASP.NET Core 2.0 Identity?

Populating AspNetUserLogins and AspNetUserTokens

UserManager throws exception - Unable to track an entity because primary key property 'Id' is null - after upgrading from .Net Core 2.2 to 3.0

ASP.NET Core Identity 2.0 SignoutAsync is not logging out user if the user signed in with Google

Asp.net Core Identity unit test controller actions

Role Based Authorization for Web API with IdentityServer4

Migrate existing Microsoft.AspNet.Identity DB (EF 6) to Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity (EF Core)

What's the difference between the Microsoft identity platform and ASP.NET Core Identity?

ASP.NET Core Identity Authorization using Parameter for Team Membership

Change Id type of asp.net core 2.2 IdentityUser

IServiceCollection does not contain a definition for AddDefaultIdentity

Error on Restoring AspNet Identity Core Package

ASP.NET Identity UserManager UpdateAsync Removing Roles