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New posts in asp.net-core-identity

Disable Not Authorized Redirect to Account/Login in ASP.NET Core

Adding a custom column to AspNetUserRoles table in ASP.NET Core 3.0 - ASP.NET Core IDENTITY

Why is ASP.NET Core Identity 2.0 Authorize filter causing me to get a 404?

why seeded roles are deleted on every migration in asp .net core 2.1?

Inherit (?) IdentityUser from another project

What's the added value of using IdentityServer 4 with ASP.NET Core Identity?

ASP.NET Core Identity impersonate specific user

File Path for PersistKeysToFileSystem on shared server

What is the best practice for fetching User data after validating JWT in .NET Core 2 Web Api?

How to make JWT token authorization optional in controller methods

IUserClaimsPrincipalFactory`1 not registered error in IndentityServer implementation

IdentityServer4 ASP.NET Core Identity does not redirect back to client

.NET Core 2.x Identity int foreign key cannot target int primary key

Why does the end user have to log out twice?

userManager.FindByName does not return roles

.Net Core Identity 2 Provider login Cancel leads to unhandled exception

Keeping data in sync between IdentityServer and application

Separate DbContext for Identity and business operations with same database - is there any advantages?

Require unique phone number in Asp.Net Core Identity