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New posts in armadillo

Using C++ in R compling error: "RcppArmadillo.h: No such file or directory"

c++ r rcpp armadillo

Armadillo initializer list is not working

How to create a vector from 1:n in C++ (Armadillo)?

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push_back/append or appending a vector with a loop in C++ Armadillo

c++ armadillo

Conversion of R matrices to armadillo is really slow

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Trouble building R package wtih devtools when it uses RcppArmadillo

Parallelisation in Armadillo

conversion from ‘arma::umat’ to ‘arma::mat’

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Armadillo - how to extract rows?

c++ armadillo

Linking to Armadillo libraries with CMake

linker cmake armadillo mlpack

Elementwise matrix multiplication: R versus Rcpp (How to speed this code up?)

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c++ armadillo - calculating null space

c++ armadillo

Using SuperLU sparse solver with RcppArmadillo

r rcpp armadillo rcpparmadillo

Requiring OpenMP availability for use in an Rcpp package

Cross-Compiling Armadillo Linear Algebra Library

Returning locations and values of a sparse matrix in armadillo c++


Armadillo + BLAS + LAPACK: Linking error?

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Fast LAPACK/BLAS for matrix multiplication

c++ armadillo

Armadillo (+BLAS) using GPU

gpu blas armadillo