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New posts in arm64

How to measure program execution time in ARM Cortex-A53 processor?

c arm64

Running WebStorm-143.382.36 on Java 1.8.0_73 on aarch64 Odroid C2 fails on libjnidispatch.so

Which slice will be picked by an iPhone

Compile boost as universal library (Intel and Apple Silicon architectures)

How to implement system call in ARM64?

arm system-calls arm64

Can old ARM32 binary files be run on AARCH64 kernel?

linux gcc arm arm64

API to get android system properties is removed in arm64 platforms

Where I can find openssl iOS 7 libcrypto.a and libssl.a static library for arm64 architecture

openssl arm64

Building ffmpeg iOS libraries for armv7, armv7s, arm64, i386 and universal

ios ffmpeg armv7 i386 arm64

How to compile C++ program on Windows for ARM using LLVM?

c++ arm cross-compiling arm64

Is there performance advantage to ARM64

performance arm 64-bit arm64

Why does integer division by -1 (negative one) result in FPE?

Is it possible for other x86-64 emulators on M1 to leverage the same optimizations used by Rosetta 2?

Does AArch64 support unaligned access?

alignment arm64

Packaging error when switching to arm64 (arm5 was OK)

ios8 arm64

How to replace the bundled Dart SDK in Flutter to run natively on Apple Silicon (ARM64)?


arm atomic arm64