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New posts in apply

apply() not working when checking column class in a data.frame

r class apply

how do I split a dataframe by row into chunks of n, apply a function and combine?

r split apply

How to use some apply function to solve what requires two for-loops in R

r for-loop apply

Construction apply from : to: in Gradle script

groovy gradle task apply

using data.table to speed up rollapply

r dataframe data.table apply xts

How to use apply, cat and print, without getting NULL

r apply cat

split apply recombine, plyr, data.table in R

r split plyr data.table apply

Apply strptime function to every member of a data.table

r datetime data.table apply

Why can't I omit "apply" in this.apply(_) in Scala?

scala types apply

R: t test over multiple columns using t.test function

r loops apply

Can I use apply() with constructor to pass arbitrary number of parameters

map str.contains across pandas DataFrame

What's the fastest way to apply t.test to each column of a large matrix?

Subtract matrix of n,k dimensions from array of matrices of n,k dimensions

arrays r matrix apply

R apply function returns numeric value on date variables

r date dataframe apply

R -apply- convert many columns from numeric to factor

r class apply

Method for calculating distance between all points in a dataframe containing a list of xy coordinates

r for-loop math apply

Pandas alternative to apply - to create new column based on multiple columns

Backbone - Object render has no method 'apply'