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New posts in apply

Apply a function to all the elements of a data frame

r dataframe apply

What's the difference between a regular push and an Array.prototype.push.apply

Handling NA values in apply and unique

r unique apply

The value is returned instead of NULL when using function with OUTER APPLY

Why apply() returns a transposed xts matrix?

r apply xts

R return the index of the minimum column for each row

r indexing apply minimum rowwise

Why does as.factor return a character when used inside apply?

r apply r-factor

apply() is slow - how to make it faster or what are my alternatives?

r apply r-faq

Dataframe create new column based on other columns

r dataframe apply

apply a function over groups of columns

Pandas DataFrame use previous row value for complicated 'if' conditions to determine current value

python pandas dataframe apply

setkey and the := operator, data.table, R

r dataframe data.table apply

Call apply method with arguments in JavaScript

javascript arguments apply

kotlin how to refer outer-scope this in multi-layer apply functions

lambda kotlin apply

Passing multiple arguments to apply (Python)

python apply dataframe

Pandas transform() vs apply()

python pandas transform apply

Can git apply leave conflict markers inline like git rebase?

git conflict rebase apply

How to monitor progress of an apply function?

r data.table apply

Calculate row-wise proportions

r dataframe apply

Applying a function to two lists?