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How to test Firebase Dynamic Link with TestFlight (Unpublished ios app)

ITunes Connect/Testflight - The request app is not available or does not exist

is it possible to force users of older app versions to update?

How can I change my seller name In App Store? [closed]

Updating live App ID for Push notifications

iphone app-store

Is the GPLv2 compatible with the iOS App Store and Android Market? [closed]

Distribute Ipad App without app store

How should an organization with multiple iOS applications under development manage iOS distribution certificates?

Non-public API usage : The app contains one or more corrupted binaries

XCode 4 can I copy the download from one machine to another

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how do i know if my app is featured in the iTunes app store?

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Submitting iOS app using beta version of xcode?

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How do I redirect to the Apple App Store with a deep link? (e.g. a query string)

App got approved, iAd not showing up

Can I change the category of my app at iTunes Connect?

How can I suspend an app in Apple Store [closed]

iphone app-store