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New posts in app-store

iOS app is rejected as "Spam" [closed]

AppStore rejected because of code obfuscation and selector mangling: none is done in the app


iTunes connect does not allow to enter multiline description

Xcode 4 in my Mac App Store says its installed, but it's not

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At least one of the following architecture(s) must be present: armv7 (-19033) Unable to validate your application. - (null)

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Apple's web service operation was not successful and Unable to Authenticationthe package?

Rejected by the App-store due to in-app purchases

Could I submit app to appstore without ios device?

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React Native binary rejected by Apple for using non-public API

Can i test an app store link in the ios simulator?

app-store ios-simulator

None of the currently installed provisioning profiles match app's bundle identifier?

Linking directly to the Write Review page from iPhone

iphone app-store

Automatically download sales reports from iTunes Connect

Storekit / In App Purchases: Does the "Environment: Sandbox" tag disappear when I submit my app to the app store?

IOS Distribution certificate expiring - Issue updates to existing applications

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App rejected because of "improper IDFA" while I'm not using any advertising service

Xcode 9.0.1 App Distribution Procedure is Changed

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Why app is rejected with "Missing Purpose String in Info.plist File" for NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription key?

How does the App Store website know if iTunes is installed?

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Xcode iPhone project open source files to distribute

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