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Xcode 4 in my Mac App Store says its installed, but it's not

I can't seem to re download xcode 4 as the mac app store thinks that I already have it. I've had this problem before with another app, but could really do with a solution to this problem now as I need xcode for a new work project.

Any help anyone could offer would be much appreciated.

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David Avatar asked Sep 28 '11 07:09


2 Answers

What you download from the app store is actually the Xcode installer, not Xcode itself. You might have the installer knocking around somewhere even if you've removed Xcode.

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jrturton Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 01:11


Execute the downloaded installer located at

/Applications/Install Xcode/Install Xcode.app
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Flow Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 01:11
