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Writing the interface to a web service API

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Which site supply movie information with API for free? [closed]

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Returning neighborhood based on address with Google geocoder/API

Determine if a string is a valid geographic location

Why is the Zend Framework API documentation that poor? [closed]

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Embed a Python interpreter in a (Windows) C++ application

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Android: Several Camera API Questions

Github API for code comments

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How to build a good API on top of a bad database?

Harvest (timecard app) API

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Amazon API Product Description

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How do I post to Google Plus via PHP? [closed]

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Magento API Data Type: CartCustomerEntity

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RESTfully handling sub-resources

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Are there any CMS engines designed for creating reference documentation for a REST API? [closed]

Does the FedEx shipping API have a SOAP endpoint?

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Shortcuts of Visual Studio (moving From Eclipse) [closed]

net.Socket.writable, net.Socket.readable properties aren't part of the official node.js API

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