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Using scala-eclipse for spark

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spark 0.9.1 on hadoop 2.2.0 maven dependency

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How to configure hbase in spark?

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How to check the number of cores Spark uses?


Can't connect from application to the standalone cluster


Using JodaTime in Spark's groupByKey and countByKey

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Inconsistent results using ALS in Apache Spark

NoClassDefFoundError while using scopt OptionParser with Spark

How do you setup multiple Spark Streaming jobs with different batch durations?

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How to repartition a compressed file in Apache Spark?

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pySpark DataFrames Aggregation Functions with SciPy

Elasticsearch-Spark serialization not working with inner classes

Spark-shell with 'yarn-client' tries to load config from wrong location

Efficiently Aggregate Many CSVs in Spark

How to compose column name using another column's value for withColumn in Scala Spark

In pyspark, why does `limit` followed by `repartition` create exactly equal partition sizes?

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AWS EMR Spark Python Logging

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Adding a column of rowsums across a list of columns in Spark Dataframe

PySpark: Take average of a column after using filter function