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New posts in apache-spark

spark-scala: Filter RDD if the record of the RDD doesn't exist in another RDD

scala apache-spark

Spark-submit Sql Context Create Statement does not work

what is the difference between rdd.repartition() and partition size in sc.parallelize(data, partitions)

python apache-spark rdd

How to upsert into elasticsearch in spark?

How to pass Spring context to Spark worker node


Lots of ERROR ErrorMonitor: AssociationError on spark startup

Where does Spark store data when storage level is set to disk?

How to prepare for training data in mllib

How to update a large broadcast variable in a streaming use case?


How to correctly use Spark in ScalaTest tests?

Issue with RDD - list index out of range

python apache-spark pyspark

Does it make sense to run Spark job for its side effects?


collectAsList in Spark DataFrame

scala apache-spark

Spark KMeans clustering: get the number of sample assigned to a cluster

brew installed apache-spark unable to access s3 files

pyspark: "too many values" error after repartitioning

How to deal with concatenated Avro files?

Getting Spark, Java, and MongoDB to work together

What's the most efficient way to accumulate dataframes in pyspark?

Sparse Vector vs Dense Vector