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New posts in apache-spark

Scala String Variable Substitution

Reading multiple csv files at different folder depths

How to replace elements of a breeze matrix in Scala based on some condition?

Why Spark ML ALS algorithm print RMSE = NaN?

Getting a date x days back from a custom date in Scala

scala apache-spark

How to create DataFrame with nulls using toDF?

Using custome UDF withColumn in a Spark Dataset<Row>; java.lang.String cannot be cast to org.apache.spark.sql.Row

Spark job fails on java 9 NumberFormatException for input string ea

java scala apache-spark java-9

How can dataframereader read http?

Spark Dataframe - Implement Oracle NVL Function while joining

How to convert from org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector to org.apache.spark.ml.linalg.SparseVector?

What's the difference between SparkSession.sql and Dataset.sqlContext.sql?

how to make string as parameters that include several strings

scala apache-spark

PySpark- How to use a row value from one column to access another column which has the same name as of the row value

If I already have Hadoop installed, should I download Apache Spark WITH Hadoop or WITHOUT Hadoop?

apache-spark hadoop hadoop3

How to use SparkSession and StreamingContext together?

How can I export Scala Spark DataFrames schema to a Json file?

How can I read from S3 in pyspark running in local mode?

Spark on Dataproc: possible to run more executors per CPU?

How to change the location of _spark_metadata directory?