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Set FopFactoryBuilder baseURI to jar classpath


what is benefit of using Antennahouse over Apache FOP? [closed]

How to set global font-family in Apache FOP?

java apache pdf fonts apache-fop

Use XSL FO file to layout PDF using iText

java xslt pdf itext apache-fop

FOP doesn't show cyrillic characters

Apache FOP: zindex does not appear to be working in overlapping blocks

Wrap within table-cell with long word in FOP

Apache FOP: Displaying UTF-8 Characters in PDF (without embed?)

Apache FOP | custom fonts | relative URL not working

aem apache-fop

xls-fo fop 0.94 Using the keep-together with wrap-option="wrap"

xml xsl-fo apache-fop

FOP/ikvm: error "Provider com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.trax.TransformerFactoryImpl not found"

apache-fop ikvm

XSL FO Docbook content left margin

xml xslt apache-fop docbook

Underline block element with different font sizes without an interrupted line

xsl-fo apache-fop

How can I disable the strerr logging output from FOP?

java apache-fop

class not found FOP

java apache-fop

Apache FOP Displaying ### with SimSun

XSL:FO, Floats in F.O.P

xsl-fo apache-fop

How to set the default language in Apache FOP

How to load Fop configuration file to FopFactory