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New posts in anti-patterns

Abuse using and Dispose() for scope handling of not to be released objects?

c# using anti-patterns

Are set-only properties bad practice? [duplicate]

c# anti-patterns

Antipatterns with Ruby on Rails [closed]

"Master" associative table?

Why is it "wrong to require rubygems"?

ruby rubygems anti-patterns

Is using "out" bad practice

c# lambda moq anti-patterns

Secret Handshake Anti-Pattern

java anti-patterns

Is it in an anti-pattern to always use get and set methods to access a class's own member fields? [duplicate]

java anti-patterns

What's wrong with awaiting a promise chain?

PHP string constants overuse?

Is there ever justification for the "pseudo-typedef antipattern"?

java typedef anti-patterns

Is INTERPRETER an anti-pattern?

React anti pattern, defined a component inside the definition of another component

Why is "call super" considered an anti-pattern according to Wikipedia? [closed]

When to use nested controllers instead of services in angularjs?

Are single implementer interfaces for unit testing an antipattern?

Worst Abstraction Inversion

Change value of parameter inside method, is this an anti-pattern?

c# anti-patterns

Need refactoring ideas for Arrow Anti-Pattern

Is replacing a list element an anti-pattern?

list f# anti-patterns