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New posts in anti-patterns

Naming of an algorithmic antipattern

When to separate code into new assemblies (DLL's)

"messy-polymorphism" anti-pattern

What are horizontal and vertical design elements?

Constructor specialization in python

AntFarm anti-pattern -- strategies to avoid, antidotes to help heal from

is there any good source of anti-patterns? [closed]

java anti-patterns

Has using an acknowledged anti-pattern ever been proven to actually solve a problem, or be beneficial in any other way? [closed]

projects anti-patterns

How to deal with monstrous Struts Actions?

What is the name of this anti-pattern?

Poltergeist antipattern example

Which value is of higher precedence, updatePeriodMillis or the value associated with the Alarm?

Are there valid reasons to hold data internally as XML?

What type should Struts ActionForm properties be?

Is the actor model not an anti-pattern, as the fire-and-forget style forces actors to remember a state?

Why are Callbacks from Promise `.then` Methods an Anti-Pattern

Sequential coupling in code

oop anti-patterns

Is an instance wrapper around a static class for the purpose of DI an anti pattern?

C#: Enum anti-patterns [closed]

Which is more evil: an unnecessary singleton or a God Object?