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How to get value of --limit argument inside an Ansible playbook?


accessing nested variable variables in ansible


running an Ansible playbook against a single host


Correct way to create dynamic lists in Ansible

ansible-galaxy role fails with "do not have permission to modify /etc/ansible/roles/"

Convert Ansible variable from Unicode to ASCII

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Ansible set_fact doesn't change the variable value

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Ansible template - Destination directory does not exist error

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How to get environment variables of remote host

Ansible, set_fact using if then else statement

How to view/decrypt Ansible vault credentials files from within a Python script?

ERROR! 'sudo' is not a valid attribute for a Play


Ansible: print warnings from playbook


Ansible IP address variable - host part

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Idempotence and Random Variables in Ansible

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Evaluate dynamic variable name in ansible

ansible dynamic-variables

Ansible uncomment line in file

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Get sorted list of folders with Ansible


How do I make Ansible ignore failed tarball extraction?

ansible ansible-playbook

How to inspect a json response from Ansible URI call