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Ansible: How to add variables to "command" or "shell"

ansible ansible-2.x

adding an fstab option using Ansible

Error when running ansible-playbook

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Cygwin - How to install ansible?

How to prompt user for a target host in Ansible?

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Using Ansible postgresql_user with psycopg2 from VirtualEnv

.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-* Permission denied


Remove a line from a file using ansible?


Ansible variable defined in group_vars/all not found

Ansible + Kubernetes: how to wait for a Job completion

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Pass variable to included playbook?

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How do I apply an Ansible with_items loop to the included tasks?


How do I avoid ansible deployment failures due to dpkg lock file?


Authentication or permission failure, did not have permissions on the remote directory

In Ansible, how is the environment keyword used?


Ansible: how to run task on other host inside one playbook?

Set remote_user for set of tasks in Ansible playbook without repeating it per task

ansible ansible-playbook

How to use Ansible 2.0 Python API to run a Playbook?

Ansible : how to create a function like

ansible ansible-playbook

Using Ansible docker_container, how can I display standard out? (stdout)