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How do you notify a handler in Ansible based solely on a conditional?

Ansible and MariaDB. Can't install MariaDB through playbook

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ansible sudo_user hangs for a few minutes and then fails (in a centos6.5.1 vagrant vm)

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change rvm ruby version with ansible playbook

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Ansible use task return varible in variable templates


Running Virtual Environment Ansible

ansible: call same role with differents vars in a playbook


How to add a callback plugin to a PlaybookExecutor in Ansible 2

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Edit files using lineinfile and blockinfile or just copy the entire file using template?

Ansible conditionally delegate_to local or remote?


Parsing Ansible output with Linux tools


Ansible - Retry task until a file contains a log line

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Creating list of ip's in ansible using given range within jinja template

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How to include the Ansible config file in the ansible-playbook command?


Printing file systems in ansible_mounts


How to fetch Azure RM storage account keys in Ansible?

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Limit ansible playbook by `hosts` of plays

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Ansible: Create variables from json string

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using pm2 with ansible

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How can I install Ansible on Raspbian?