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Running Virtual Environment Ansible

I am trying to run a virtual environment in Ansible.

It is constantly erroring out.

Here's the code:

- name: Install virtualenv
  pip: name=virtualenv
  when: virtualenvexists.stat.exists != true

- name: Create virtualenv
  sudo: true
  command: virtualenv /home/vagrant/db/venv

- name: Activate
  sudo: yes
  sudo_user: vagrant
  command: /home/vagrant/db/venv/bin/source /home/vagrant/db/venv/bin/activate

I get the error message:

{"cmd": "/home/vagrant/db/venv/bin/activate", "failed": true, "rc": 13} msg: [Errno 13] Permission denied

I've tried running this command as multiple users, and I'm also trying to figure out how to automatically run commands from the virtual instance without activating it, and I'm having no luck.

How do I run commands inside a virtual environment in Ansible?

I've also tried this with no luck:

- name: ansible_python_interpreter
    ansible_python_interpreter: /home/vagrant/db/venv/bin/python
like image 324
Steven Matthews Avatar asked Feb 09 '23 18:02

Steven Matthews

1 Answers

There are a number of problems here. The first is that you are creating the virtual environment as root:

- name: Create virtualenv
  sudo: true
  command: virtualenv /home/vagrant/db/venv

But you are trying to access it as the vagrant user:

- name: Activate
  sudo: yes
  sudo_user: vagrant
  command: /home/vagrant/db/venv/bin/source /home/vagrant/db/venv/bin/activate

It is likely that you want sudo_user: vagrant on both tasks.

Secondly, the source command is a shell builtin, you won't find it at /home/vagrant/db/venv/bin/source. So that command simply doesn't make sense.

Lastly, even if it did make sense, it would have no practical effect: That would modify the environment of the command module, but would have no impact on subsequent tasks. There are a few ways of dealing with that; if you are simply trying to run a command that has been installed in your virtual environment you can run that directly:

command: /home/vagrant/db/venv/bin/somecommand

That will correctly use the version of Python installed in your virtual environment. Alternatively, you can embed everything into a shell script:

  cmd: |
    source /home/vagrant/db/venv/bin/activate


For those "it doesn't work!" commenters, I present to you...a running example!

like image 133
larsks Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 10:02
