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New posts in annotations

Spring 3 DI using generic DAO interface

junit implementation of multiple runners

Java - Defining and accessing annotations?

java annotations

Disable Jackson mapper for a particular annotation

java json annotations jackson

What is the alternative of Jackson in python?

How to wrap @Column annotation with my own annotation in Java or Kotlin

java kotlin annotations

How do I get Hibernate to call my custom typedef?

How to persist an entity from an non-entity subclass in Hibernate

Does @EntityListener works with @MappedSuperclass as well?

What's the default TemporalType for a temporal map key without a @MapKeyColumn or @MapKeyTemporal annotation?

java annotations jpa-2.0

How to configure the Annotation Processing API without external Jar using Maven?

java maven annotations

Spring autowire using annotations and a type defined in a properties file?

No adapter for endpoint SWS

Best way to access attributes

Is Java annotation order persistent?

java reflection annotations

How is it possible that an annotation can be an annotation to itself?

java annotations

How to use @Contract annotation

android annotations

What are the correct uses of @NonNull and @Nullable?

java android annotations

PointAnnotation callout on MKMapView appears and then immidiately disappears

Is there a way to reuse SQL fragments in annotation-based MyBatis/iBatis?