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AnkhSvn undo/revert a commit

visual-studio ankhsvn

AnkhSVN shelves

Tool for comparing files in Visual Studio 2010

DevelopmentServerPort merge conflict

How do you continue working off an old revision in subversion when you forgot to make a new branch

svn version-control ankhsvn

SVN messes with my files with jibberish data, why?

How can I change the repository url using AnkhSVN 2.x

svn ankhsvn

AnkhSVN stopped working in Visual Studio 2019

Understanding branch use with Visual Studio 2010, AnkhSVN, and SVN 1.7.4

How to batch delete files/directories from svn repository

How do you exclude .svn directories from search in Visual Studio?

visual-studio svn ankhsvn

How to Add VS2010 Project to Google Code SVN using AnkhSVN?

Subversion auto-props woes

Does Resharper 5.1 Refactor (Refactor->Move) Correctly Notify AnkhSVN/maintain SVN history?

Change Ankhsvn diff behavior

How can I change the SVN URL in Visual Studio

visual-studio ankhsvn

AnkhSVN crash in Visual Studio 2017

Ankhsvn Error: Client too old to work with working copy

How do we keep track of our working copy's branch?

How to avoid svn:mergeinfos on sub-folders?