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New posts in angularjs-service

Stop $timeout when starting new controller

How to use two AngularJS services with same name from different modules?

AngularJS, is this way of using service good?

AngularJS: open a new browser window, yet still retain scope and controller, and services

How to use angularJS interceptor to only intercept specific http requests?

Call angularjs service from simple js code

Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: in AngularJS Service Test

how to call service method from ng-change of select in angularjs?

Force AngularJS service to return data before loading controller

Delay an angular.js $http service

Inject dateFilter in a service in AngularJs

How can I define an AngularJS service using a TypeScript class that doesn't pollute the global scope?

Include 3rd-party Javascript Libraries into an AngularJS app

How to mock $window.location.replace in AngularJS unit test?

Creating common controller functions

How to close Angular UI Modal from anywhere

Cordova + Angularjs + Device Ready

AngularJS Error: $injector:unpr Unknown Provider

$watch inside a service?

What does the underscores in _servicename_ mean in AngularJS tests?