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New posts in angularjs-directive

angular 5 - modal directive

AngularJS isolated directive with ng-repeat breaks transclusion scope

AngularJS ui-calendar – model with events

AngularJS Bootstrap UI btn-checkbox in ng-repeat

How can controller talk to a directive in AngularJS?

Angular multiple instances of same directive, scope is not isolated

How can I get all the selected objects of Checkboxes in AngularJS?

radio button directive not binding the ngModel

How to stop ng-click from a custom directive in AngularJS?

AngularJS digest callback

Passing data to a custom directive in AngularJS

Angular highlight/select all content inside <div> element Angular

How to set autofocus in partial views using angularjs?

angularJS valdr + ui-select validation

AngularJS - Refresh Directive from controller

Same "controller as" name in angular js directive breaks function in parent controller

How can I get my compiled array from ng-options in a custom directive?

Angular ng-required not working with custom directive

AngularJS: Unable to access scope from within directive

Directive scope attributes break depending on attribute name