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Directive scope attributes break depending on attribute name

I have a very strange phenomenon with a directive and an isolated scope, where the attributes in the scope work or do not work depending on the naming of the attribute. If I use


it works just fine and as expected. However,if I use:


the defined function never gets assigned. An example would look like:


<item ng-repeat="list_item in model.list" model="list_item" checkN="checkName()" check="checkName()" position="$index"></item>'


app.directive('item', function(){
   return {
      restrict: 'E',
      replace : false,   
              $index: '=position',
              check: '&check',
              checkN: '&checkN',
      template: '',
      link: function(scope, element, attrs){

The console will then give me the following:

The checkName function has been called [which is the return string of the function]

It is really possible that it depends on the usage of capital letters? This would be very "unexpected" behaviour.

Thanks for your help


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schacki Avatar asked Jan 14 '23 19:01


1 Answers

Html is case insensitive, therefore myAttribute and myattribute would be indistinguishable from each other depending on the browser. Angularjs' authors made a design decision about passing from html to javascript and vice-versa in terms of directives.

ngRepeat directive would be used as ng-repeat in the view(html). Likewise, your directive checkN should be used as check-n for angular to recognise that as directive.

like image 75
Umur Kontacı Avatar answered Jan 17 '23 14:01

Umur Kontacı