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New posts in angular2-ngcontent

Angular 2 ng-content receive event from child component

ngIf=false with ngContent still loads template bindings

Can I 'observe' the dynamic children of a component?

Angular2 @ContentChildren not populated inside parent <ng-content>

Angular 4 ngComponentOutlet loads dynamic components, but route content is not being rendered

Multiple transclusion using ngFor in Angular2

reference component variable from ng-content

Angular 2 referencing dynamic instance of @ContentChild

Angular 2+ NgTemplateOutlet inside ngFor

Angular Material Tabs not working with wrapper component

Creating a dynamic repeater with ng-content transclusion

Capture event on ng-content in Angular 2

Is there a way to use css in ng-content inside an Angular2 component?

conditional ng-content in angular 4/5

Instantiate transcluded components depending on their DOM state in angular 2

Is it possible to set default value to <ng-content> [duplicate]

Angular 2 Template as a parameter to component

How to conditionally wrap a div around ng-content