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ERROR in The target entry-point "@angular-material-extensions/faq" has missing dependencies:

angular angular-material

Jhipster / md-button is not a known element

Property 'open' does not exist on type 'MatDialogModule'

Default Icon List of Angular Material 2+

How to optionally add material autocomplete in Angular

angular angular-material

Completed property in Angular Material Stepper doesn't seem to work as expected


Issue with CSS for mat-input and mat-form-field

Angular Material Select: change color of disabled option

angular angular-material

Center text in angular material MatButtonToggle

Is it possible to have a list inside of an Angular Material Tooltip?

angular angular-material

Angular material: is it possible to create modals (or dialogs) with ng-template?

angular angular-material

Angular, material side nav and sticky toolbar

How to set value in angular mat-select when component loading?

previous data not getting selected after search in selectionmodel angular

Why doesn't <table mat-table> apply flexbox properties?

Angular Material mat-card width as inner text width

customize the mat-calendar, remove month label

angular angular-material

Material chip color not working when I set it

angular angular-material

How to add MatButton into an Angular library (Angular 9) [closed]

Angular Material Drag and Drop multi row list