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New posts in angular-material2

angular material 2 custom component with ng value accessor

Mat expansion panel extend over other html elements

Angular2: set md-fab button 'position: fixed' in inner component

Angular 2 Snackbar - Global Duration Config

Angular Material - MdInput to MatInputModule?

Is it possible to use angular directive as html tag?

Hide angular material mat-tab using directive

angular material mat-grid-tile height

Is there an example of when I don't need to handle unsubscribing in the component?

How can i build a custom angular component with the width settable in CSS?

Angular material stepper: Error: Cannot find control with name: 'formArray'

angular angular-material2

Virtual Scroll For angular 4 Variable/Dynamic height images

How to test Material2 snack-bar?

Angular Material 2 Reactive Forms -- mat-error with *ngIf not showing when validating for minLength, email and required validation works

Setting angular material's textarea to 50% of component

Background color does not switch between light and dark themes in Angular material 2

angular angular-material2

How to detect scroll events in mat-sidenav-container

angular material2 select component alignment

Angular Material Form Validation

Angular 4 - material 2 - md datepicker set first day of the week